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Hi. The name's Dakota and my passion is creation. More than that I've always had a love of writing.

I've worked on youtube videos, filming sports and interviews, but above all I love words. I'm a graduate of Georgia Southern University from the Communication Arts Department in the field of Film and Production. I've written scripts, edited video/audio, and write whenever I can.


 "Ghost of You" by Dakota Ash on Amazon.

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I don't like set lines and boundaries. Constrictions. The word professional makes me cringe. Expression. Emotion. I find that I can best do that with writing then adapting from there. I delve quite happily into any medium as long as I can create something with it.


When I turn to projects, more than anything, I throw my heart into it. In a world that lacks passion, I want to find it again. When telling a story I look for truth, the truths. Things most people don't wish to acknowledge or see. I want to bring it to light and make the world feel something.

Idealistic but in essence, that's what I am.


I was born and raised in Pembroke, GA. My mother always has a project going around the house and is always doing things. I'd like to think that's why I try to always be doing something, creating something, even if I'm just working on it in my head. I have a strong vision and think on my feet, I surprise myself at how well I can handle intense situations. I take organization to the extreme, but it helps keep projects moving.


I have always loved to be on the computer since I was young. Music, movies, video games, books, whatever could tell a story I've always been into that. It took a while to end up here, I honestly never thought I would be a film student or writing scripts. When I think back it's funny the ways life takes you. Taking my loves of technology and creating I've found a place in editing and writing. And I couldn't be more thrilled.


"I chose to make videos to control your eyes, I chose audio to control your ears, and I chose writing to control your heart. With all three I can mold your mind and make you think until I am content."

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